The Little Prince, subtitled A Magical Opera, is an opera in two acts by Rachel Portman to an English libretto by Nicholas Wright, based on the 1943 book of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was first performed in at the Houston Grand Opera on 31 May 2003.
The Little Prince was commissioned by Kathryn and David Berg in memory of their friend, Larry Pfeffer, for the Houston Grand Opera and premiered in May 2003 with Nate Irvin as The Little Prince and Teddy Tahu Rhodes as the Pilot. It was then performed by the Skylight Opera Theatre in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the Boston Lyric Opera with Jeffrey Walter as the Little Prince. Houston Grand Opera had a return engagement in December 2004 with Jeffrey Walter as the Little Prince and Jeffrey Allison. It was then performed at the University of Kentucky opera (April 2005), the New York City Opera (November 2005), Tulsa Opera, and the Santa Fe Opera. The San Francisco Opera and Cal Performances did a joint production at Zellerbach Hall in May 2008. Ithaca College Opera also put on a production in February and March 2010.
In the United Kingdom, it was filmed by the BBC following a nationwide talent search for children to play the roles of the Prince, the Rose and a chorus of thirty-six vocalists. Over 25,000 children applied, with over 6,500 taking part in auditions. The television show Blue Peter documented the search for the singers, and filmed their training and rehearsals. The Little Prince was broadcast on BBC Two on Saturday, 27 November 2004 at 7:30 PM.