The Kingdom of the Isles is a fictional nation on Midkemia, a world created by a fantasy role-playing group and popularized by Raymond E. Feist. The Kingdom of the Isles, or simply The Kingdom lies to the north of The Empire of Great Kesh on the continent of Triagia. Most of Feist's books are based in this Kingdom.
In ancient times, Rillanon was the foremost nation of a small group of islands in the Kingdom Sea, which after years of war with the neighboring city-state of Bas-Tyra eventually expanded on the mainland. Several centuries later, after Kesh had been wracked by civil war, and abandoned its northernmost territories, the Kingdom of the Isles expanded into the Western Lands around the Bitter Sea, with a second capital at Krondor. Given this expansion, most people shorten the name to simply "The Kingdom" in common usage, though the formal name remains in some documents.
The Kingdom is a late medieval/early renaissance society, with a charter that defines the rights of men and nobles, as well as the limitations of government. Slavery is not unknown in the Kingdom, but is mostly used for criminals. There is a Congress of Lords, but their exact role is unspecified.
The ruling family of the Kingdom are the conDoins.
(in approximate chronological order and with consorts, where known)
House of conDoin
(in approximate chronological order and with consorts, where known)
House of conDoin
unnamed Princes of Krondor
The Congress of Lords elects the King, although this is a matter of tradition as the heir to the throne is always elected unless there is no clear successor.
House of Laurie (conDoin)
House of Bas-Tyra
House of Sevigny
House of conDoin - though part of the royal family by blood, the Dukes of Crydee after Martin are ineligible for the throne due to his refusal of the crown in order to avoid a potential civil war at the end of the Riftwar
It should be noted that the ranks of Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the East and Knight-Marshal of the Armies of the West are wartime appointments, usually given to a person with a rank of Knight-General or greater, and the rank will be rescinded at the end of the war. While the Lord-Marshals of the Eastern and Western Realms (The King and The Prince of Krondor respectively) have the right to this rank themselves they will generally appoint a subordinate to the position, while they continue with the necessary governing of the realm.