The Hanged Man is an independent supernatural thriller from Tennessee-based production Company Starbox Pictures. A taut psychological thriller full of twists and turns, it stars Adam Hatley and Brandon Gibson. The film screened in 2007 at the Indie Memphis Film Festival and is being distributed in 2010 by Osiris Entertainment.
Seven irrevocably damaged social misfits come together in an internet chat room, looking for understanding and compassion, but ultimately making a suicide pact.
One by one, they come together in a remote, abandoned barn to await their "savior", chipping away the mask of cyber nicknames, fictional personas, and the anonymity of the Web.
SoCo, a volatile and brooding misanthrope is the most eager and first to arrive. Spaceshot, most openly vulnerable; Miles, who dreads the inevitable; Flash, a redneck cowboy distraught over a secret he's shared just once; X-Factor, doomed to repeat the sins of her mother; LT56, a middle-aged survivor of a life-altering tragedy; and Dwarfstar, the organizer, the prophet ... the one bringing the solution of a painless peace.
But as the sun sets and Dwarfstar is yet to appear, emotions rise, the woods whispers its secrets and the facades fall aside, revealing that one of them isn't who they profess to be ... and one of them was dead before they arrived.