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The Halfblood Chronicles

Author Andre Norton,
Mercedes Lackey
Country United States
Language English
Genre fantasy
Publisher Tor Books
Published April 1991 - current
Media type Print

The Halfblood Chronicles is a series of four fantasy books written by Andre Norton and Mercedes Lackey. The series is set in a mystical world of elves, wizards and dragons. The series is released by Tor Books, and comprises Elvenbane (1991), Elvenblood (1995), Elvenborn (2002), and Elvenbred. Elvenbred, the fourth book in the series, has not yet been released. Due to the death of co-author Andre Norton it is stated that the series 4th book has been handed over to Mercedes Lackey as of March 17, 2017 and is intended to be started summer 2017, hopefully to have it finished by 2017's end.

The world is dominated by elves, who came to the humans' world by a portal from their world, Evelon. The humans are treated as slaves and animals, but the elves have a good life. One thing mars their happiness, however - a prophecy spread by the dragons that a halfblood will come and bring about a revolution. Serina Daeth is the concubine of Elven-lord Dyran and pregnant with his child. Concubines bearing half-blood children to Elven-lords is not allowed, so concubines normally are given drugs in their food to prevent conception. Another of Dyran's concubines, vying for the top position, tampers with Serina's food, leading her to become pregnant. Serina escapes into the desert, where her child, Shana, is delivered by Alamarana, a dragon shaman who takes her home, where she is raised with Kemanorel, Alara's son.

Further into the story, Shana is expelled from the dragons' clan and gets into Elven lands. There she discovers that "two leggers" still exist. However she also discovers the misery lived by some of the human slaves and is barely rescued by free halfbloods. Halfbloods have power of the mind (telekinesis, telepathy...etc.) as part of their human heritage and some power over matter as part of their elven heritage. They were known as "wizards".

Shana is brought into a secret hideout of the remaining wizards and taught a bit about magic. She discovers on her own even more applications of her power. After she convinces a group of young wizard to steal some full-human kids that are to be "culled", she endangers the secret of the existence of wizards. Thereafter a war for survival pushes the wizards to fight some of the Elven Lords.

