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The Good Guys (comics)

The Good Guys
Publication information
Publisher Defiant Comics
Schedule Monthly
Format Ongoing series
Publication date November 1993 - July 1994
No. of issues 9
Creative team
Created by Jim Shooter
Written by Jim Shooter, Jan C. Childress, Mike W. Barr, D. G. Chichester

The Good Guys is a comic book series that was published monthly by Defiant Comics from November of 1993 until July of 1994. Written by Jim Shooter, Jan C. Childress, D. G. Chichester, and Mike W. Barr, the series ran for a total of 9 issues until Defiant ceased publication. It was odd for the time in that its characters were created via a "talent search" for interesting character concepts.

The story focuses on a group of young kids who were all attending a crowded comic book store on the day when a seeming magic box broke open. Unnoticed by most, many of the people in the store were affected by the box's energies. It is later implied the box was harmless, given out by a mentally sick woman who has done this sort of thing before.

Laura Neale gains super-strength and durability. This also gives her the power to leap long distances. She reveals her power to her dad right away, seemingly the only one of the team who tells family. Daniel Jacobs, who has a crush on Laura, gains flight powers. Paul manifests a forcefield. Reggie is able to turn invisible and intangible by accessing an alternate dimension. He doesn't enjoy using his powers as the dimension frightens him. Jenni Lee and Matt Sahs gain identical powers of super-agility. Leaping off a four-story building is no problem for them. Matt's younger brother Zack gains the ability to cast a wide array of magical spells. He demonstrates this by creating costumes for the entire team by simply wishing real hard.

Spellcaster develops a mode of transport for the group, but like Reggie, it involves sliding through an alternate realm full of unexplainable dangers and creatures. Each transport means a fight with the monsters until the exit is reached.

On their first outing, they stop electronic store robbers and destroy a powerful monster threatening a group of homeless people. Daniel's crush on Laura causes minor problems. They kill the monster and gain an ally. It is Mrs. Johnson, a middle aged woman who strong like Laura. She lectures the team over their immature handling of the creature as they had caused much destruction and endangered lives. Soon after this incident, Laura's father reveals he has flight-based powers.

The team later faces the threat of the manipulative son of very rich parents. Master Ridgely Gatesman has gained intelligence in the very reality-shaking incident that has granted so many other people super-powers.

