The Funnies ("Turma do Astronauta"), also known as Bubbly the Astronaut is a Brazilian comic strip series, created in 1963 and part of the Monica's Gang comic strips. It centers around, Bubbly, an astronaut, whose parents and ex-girlfriend Rita appear very rarely, making him the only recurring character. The comic strip can be defined as a science fiction adventure strip.
In order to draw the outer space scenarios that normally serve as background for the strips, inkers for The Funnies normally use fountain and dip pens, with white, gray and black as colors. Séergio Graciano, one of the inkers, says he reads scientific publications so his work is as loyal to real space as possible.
In 2012, Bubbly starred a Nov. graphic called Astronauta - Magnetar, written and drawn by Danilo Beyruth with colors by Cris Peter.