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The First Law

The First Law
The First Law covers.jpg
UK hardback covers for the trilogy
  • The Blade Itself
  • Before They Are Hanged
  • Last Argument of Kings
Author Joe Abercrombie
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Fantasy
Published 2006 – present
Media type Print

The First Law is a fantasy series written by British author Joe Abercrombie. It consists of a trilogy, three stand-alone novels and a number of novellas set in the same world.

The trilogy is published by Gollancz in the UK and Pyr in the United States. The stand-alone novels remain with Gollancz in the UK but will be published by Orbit Books in the USA.

The First Law series is set in an epic fantasy world at war, reminiscent of medieval-era Europe and the greater Mediterranean world.

The books of the trilogy do not contain maps, as Abercrombie prefers not to use them. However, the three stand alone novels do contain their own local maps.

The plot of the trilogy involves three major powers:

There are two major theaters of war. The first takes place in the north between the Union and the Northmen, who invade the Union's northern province of Angland. The second is in the south between the Union and the Gurkish Empire, who attempt to annex the Union city of Dagoska. The trilogy centers on the fortunes of a variety of characters as they navigate through these and other conflicts.

The title of the first book is taken from a quote by Homer in The Odyssey: "The blade itself incites to deeds of violence."

The title of the second book references a quote by Heinrich Heine: "We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."

The title of the third book refers to the words Louis XIV had inscribed on his cannons: "Ultima Ratio Regum," which is Latin for "the last argument of kings."

The three standalone books are set in the same world as the trilogy. Some of the major characters are minor characters from the original trilogy while several major characters from the trilogy sometimes also appear in smaller roles, cameos or are mentioned in passing.

Best Served Cold is set in the same universe as the First Law series, roughly three years after the trilogy. It takes place in Styria, an island continent reminiscent of Italy during the Italian Wars, focusing on the vengeance of a betrayed mercenary leader.

The Heroes focuses on a three-day battle set in the same world as the First Law trilogy, about seven years after events of the trilogy itself. Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy leads the Union forces against the much smaller Northern army led by Black Dow. The story features many characters seen in previous First Law novels like Bremer dan Gorst, Prince Calder, and the Dogman.

