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The Dream of Macsen

Magnus Maximus
Emperor of the Western Roman Empire
Solidus Magnus Maximus-constantinople Dep 38-7 (cropped).jpg
Solidus of Magnus Maximus.
Roman Emperor
Reign 384 – August 28, 388 (4 years)
Coronation 383 (as usurper)
Predecessor Gratian
Successor Theodosius I
Born c.335
Hispania Gallaecia
Died (388-08-28)August 28, 388
Aquileia, Venetia et Histria
Spouse Elen (traditional)
Full name
Flavius Magnus Maximus Augustus
Dynasty none
Religion Christianity
Full name
Flavius Magnus Maximus Augustus
Roman imperial dynasties
Theodosian dynasty
Theodosius I as Emperor of the East 379–392
Theodosius I as sole emperor 392–395
-with Arcadius as junior Augustus of the East 383–395
Honorius as Emperor of the West 395–423
Arcadius as Emperor of the East 395–408
Theodosius II as Emperor of the East 408–450
Marcian as Emperor of the East 450–457
Preceded by
Valentinian dynasty
Followed by
Leonid dynasty

Magnus Maximus (Latin: Flavius Magnus Maximus Augustus, Welsh: Macsen Wledig) (c. 335—August 28, 388) was Western Roman Emperor from 383 to 388.

In 383, as commander of Britain, he usurped the throne against emperor Gratian, and by negotiation with emperor Theodosius I, he was made emperor in Britannia and Gaul the next year while Gratian's brother Valentinian II retained Italy, Pannonia, Hispania, and Africa. In 387, Maximus' ambitions led him to invade Italy, resulting in his defeat by Theodosius I at the Battle of the Save in 388. In the view of some historians, his death marked the end of direct imperial presence in Northern Gaul and Britain.

Maximus was born c. 335 in Gallaecia, on the estates of Count Theodosius (the Elder), to whom he was a nephew, and Flavius Iulius Eucherius son, and Marcellinus brother. Near contemporaries described his dignity as offended when lesser men were promoted to high positions.

Maximus was a distinguished general, who served under Count Theodosius in Africa in 373 and on the Danube in 376. It is likely he also may have been a junior officer in Britain in 368, during the quelling of the Great Conspiracy. Assigned to Britain in 380, he defeated an incursion of the Picts and Scots in 381.

