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The Blue Tooth

The Blue Tooth
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series 'Doctor Who'
Release no. 3
Featuring Liz Shaw
Written by Nigel Fairs
Directed by Mark J Thompson
Production code BFPDWCC03
Release date 5 February 2007

The Blue Tooth is a Big Finish Productions audiobook based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

The Companion Chronicles "talking books" are each narrated by one of the Doctor's companions and feature a second, guest-star voice along with music and sound effects.

When Liz Shaw finds that her friend Jean has disappeared, the Third Doctor and UNIT discover an alien plot for invasion through the most unlikely means...

On a rare day off from her duties at UNIT, Liz Shaw decides to visit her friend Jean Basemore at Oakington, near Cambridge. However, Jean stands her up for their lunch, and is not to be found at her cottage: all that is there is Jean's cat and a television set — both extensively chewed. Liz telephones the Doctor, who is already on his way to Cambridge — UNIT is investigating several missing scientists. The investigation leads to the home of a cleaner, and the Doctor notices that both the cleaner and Jean had recently received reminder notices from their dentist. While the Doctor and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart investigate a suicide at the train station, Liz visits the dentist, Mr. Arnold. Her plans to investigate are thwarted by hypnotic music which sends her to sleep, and when she awakens, dazed and confused, she's had a new filling put in. The Doctor tells her that the dead man at the train station was the cleaner whose home they had visited earlier, and an examination of his body reveals that much of his flesh had been turned into a strange blue metal. As Liz examines the body, she notices that the flesh and bone are still transforming into the alien metal — and then she discovers that the body is full of small robots, like silverfish, which are excreting a blue liquid. One of the creatures attacks a UNIT soldier, and burrows into its flesh. Sergeant Benton attempts to shoot the creatures, but to no avail. In a last-ditch effort, Liz sprays the creatures with a fire extinguisher, which freezes them.

