The Black Stallion, known as the Black or Shêtân, is the title character from author Walter Farley's bestselling series about the stallion and his young owner, Alec Ramsay. The series chronicles the story of an Arab sheikh's prized stallion after he comes into Alec's possession, although later books furnish the Black's backstory.
The first book in the series, published in 1941, is titled The Black Stallion. The subsequent novels are about the stallion's three main offspring: his firstborn colt, Satan; his second colt, Bonfire; and his firstborn filly, Black Minx; as well as about the Black himself. Along with the Black, the series introduces a second stallion that is considered the Black's only equal - The Island Stallion, Flame. This is a separate storyline until Flame and the Black meet in two books - The Black Stallion and Flame, and The Black Stallion Challenged. However, news of Flame's win in an international race in Cuba, and his mysterious disappearance, are mentioned at the end of The Black Stallion Mystery, which serves as the first introduction of this rival for the later books in which they meet.
The first two books, as well as the final book of the series, were adapted for film: The Black Stallion, The Black Stallion Returns and The Young Black Stallion.
The Black Stallion was described as "the most famous fictional horse of the century" by the New York Times.
The original Black Stallion series listed here was written by Walter Farley. The Young Black Stallion, about the Black's early years, was co-written with Farley's son, Steven Farley, who continued The Young Black Stallion as a series for younger readers after the death of Walter Farley. Steven Farley subsequently has also written additional Black Stallion novels, which are not included here.
Alexander "Alec" Ramsay - the red-headed young man is a main character in Walter Farley's books. Alec has a passion for horses and has a close bond with the Black that no other human can explain or understand, even Alec himself.
Henry Dailey - a retired race-horse trainer and close friend to Alec. He is a forgotten jockey legend. Henry's career is revived after teaming with Alec to train the Black. Henry later trains many of Hopeful Farm's racehorses.
Charles Volence - Owner of Sun Raider, and accompanies Alec and Henry on their first trip to Arabia.
Tony - an Italian immigrant who owns the carthorse gelding, Napoleon, and works as a vegetable salesman in New York City's smaller streets. Both Tony and Napoleon forge a close bond with the Black and a close friendship remains between Tony, Alec, and Henry throughout the series. Napoleon becomes the Black's constant companion.