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The Big Bang (Doctor Who)

212b – "The Big Bang"
Doctor Who episode
Doctor Who The Big Bang.png
The Doctor determines the location of his exploding TARDIS
Directed by Toby Haynes
Written by Steven Moffat
Script editor Lindsey Alford
Produced by Peter Bennett
Executive producer(s)
Incidental music composer Murray Gold
Production code 1.13
Series Series 5
Length 2nd of 2-part story, 55 minutes
Originally broadcast 26 June 2010
← Preceded by Followed by →
"The Pandorica Opens" "A Christmas Carol"
List of Doctor Who serials

"The Big Bang" is the thirteenth and final episode in the fifth series of British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, broadcast on 26 June 2010 on BBC One. It is the second part of the two-part series finale started with "The Pandorica Opens", written by Steven Moffat and directed by Toby Haynes.

Following the end of the previous episode, alien time traveller the Doctor (Matt Smith) is trapped in a prison from which escape is impossible, the TARDIS has blown up with River Song (Alex Kingston) inside, and the Doctor's companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) has been shot and killed by an Auton replica of her fiancé Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill). As the universe is collapsing, the Doctor uses time travel to solve these problems and ultimately reboot the universe.

The episode sees the climax of Amy's character arc and the story arc of the series regarding the cracks in the universe, though Moffat chose to leave a few things unexplained. Taking place mainly in a museum, most scenes in the episode were shot at Brangwyn Hall in February 2010. "The Big Bang" was seen by 6.696 million viewers in the UK and received the highest Appreciation Index of the fifth series at 89. It received mostly positive reviews from critics, though many commented on the complicated nature of the plot and whether some aspects made sense. The two-part story won the 2011 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

