The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11-minute episodes, produced using computer-generated imagery (CGI) by Impossible TV for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd. It is broadcast in the UK by Channel 5 on their early morning pre-school children's segment Milkshake! and also worldwide. The series details the cheerful daily lives and adventures of the Beeps of Beep Island. The Beeps and their world are created by illustrator Malou Bonicos.
The show features several notable actors: Timmy Mallett, Dani Harmer, Daniel Peacock, Ellie Grace, Sadie Wilson, Bob Golding, Tim Whitnall and Tom Baker as the narrator. The show's theme tune and original score are composed by Gareth Cousins. Peter Gosling provided the Beep Tree Song featured in every episode. Scriptwriters include Nick Wilson, Adam Peters, Sally Marchant, Arabella Warner, John and Rosemary Barratt, Hannah Williams and Helena Smee.
The Beeps are distributed by Endemol Worldwide Distribution to over sixty countries around the world.