Series Six of The Apprentice (UK), a British reality television series, was broadcast in the UK during 2010 from 6 October to 19 December on BBC One; whereas previous series began in March, the BBC were forced to postpone until Autumn 2010, in order to avoid any conflicting issues with the 2010 General Election being held that month owing to Lord Sugar's ties to the government at the time. It is the first series to feature Karren Brady, who replaced Margaret Mountford after she stood down as an advisor for Alan Sugar; Karren made her initial appearance in the role during the first series of Young Apprentice, while Margaret remained in the show, but mainly for the 'Interviews' stage of the process. Filming took place in Autumn 2009, following a web-based application, regional auditions and interviews during July of that year, and a second round of interviews and assessments in London and the final selection were picked. The sixteen candidates who took part, named their teams Apollo and Synergy, with Stella English winning the series.
The 2010 series featured new editions of two returning specials, which ran alongside it during the final weeks - "The Final Five" on 9 December, and "Why I Fired Them" a week later on 16 December - with the BBC airing the final episode on 19 December to avoid disrupting its Christmas TV schedule.
Following the end of the sixth series, both the producers and Alan Sugar were forced to change the programme's format and the prize from winning it to an investment from Sugar, due to the difficult circumstances that were brought about by Stella English. A few days after winning, she immediately quit from the job she won, after describing it as "a sham", before making complaints against Sugar's response to her decision to leave, and then later attempting to sue him on the basis of constructive dismissal. While the case ended in it being dismissed by a tribunal judge, on the grounds that she was less interested in appreciating what she had been offered and desiring nothing more than the luxurious lifestyle it potentially offered her, the aftermath of this decision earned further media attention that eventually led to a rethink on what the programme offered to participants.