Series Seven of The Apprentice (UK), a British reality television series, was broadcast in the UK during 2011 from 10 May to 17 July on BBC One, with filming taking place in Autumn 2010. Following the sixth series, the show saw the format altered significantly, with not only the task layout being rearranged so that the 'Interviews' stage was the final task, but the prize for winning was no longer a six-figure job, but a £250,000 investment from Lord Alan Sugar with which to start their own business with, with Sugar becoming their business partner; applicants who applied for the show prior to the announcement about the change in prize, assumed the job was still the prize. For the sixteen candidates who took part, their teams were named Venture and Logic, with Tom Pellereau winning the series.
The first two episodes of the series were broadcast on consecutive air dates, while the final episode was aired three days earlier, to avoid clashing with live coverage of the second qualifying round of the 2011–12 UEFA Champions League on 20 July. Two specials aired alongside the series during its final weeks, including the return of a new edition of "The Final Five", aired on 7 July, and a unique special called "How To Get Hired", aired on 15 July.
On 12 June 2011, it was reported that after the BBC's Crimewatch had aired a piece about a hit and run killer, Leon Doyle was mistakenly identified as the suspect sought by police for the crime in 2007, following an anonymous tip-off made to them. However, they soon realised their mistake when he was revealed to had been on holiday at the time of the incident, and was thus released without charge; the real culprit, Brett Kingsley, was later arrested for the crime and sentenced a year later.
During the airing of the series, online bullies targeted Melody Hossaini with an online campaign of abuse, believing that she was Muslim and failed to respect the faith, with abusive comments including "You don't deserve your surname" and "Melody is a b*tch for eating sinful food". However, the abuse was unfounded, as Hossaini practices Zoroastrianism in reality, which places an emphasis on good deeds, thoughts and words.
It was revealed that during filming of the programme, Glenn Ward and Zoe Beresford had been in a relationship, with Edna Agbarha reported of accusing the latter when they were project manager of the sixth task, of bringing her back instead of Glenn because of it, adding that it had "clouded her judgement." It was revealed later in early 2012 by Glenn that he and Zoe had split up, much to the latter's devastation, with it reported that he had become image conscious of Zoe and put her under pressure to look good when they went out, resulting in arguments between them for her not going without makeup or heels.