Grey's Anatomy is an American television medical drama series created by Shonda Rhimes, broadcast by ABC. The show features an ensemble cast of regular characters, with nine main characters in its first season. Since the first season, many characters have left the show or have been written out, and new main characters have been written in and out of the series. Following is a list of characters who have appeared over the various seasons since the drama's premiere.
*Cristina Yang's guest appearance in the Season 11 episode "She's Leaving Home" is portrayed by an uncredited body double instead of Sandra Oh. The body double's face is not shown, and she has no lines.
(* Although he only appeared in the first two episodes of the ninth season, Eric Dane was still billed as a member of the main cast in those two episodes.)
The following listings reflect each character's status at the time of his or her first appearance on staff at Seattle Grace/Seattle Grace Mercy West/Grey Sloan Memorial.
Internship years: Seasons 4 - 6 and Season 9 - 10
Meredith's family
Alexandra's (Lexie's) family
Derek's family
Cristina's family
Izzie's family
Dr. Webber's family
George's family
Alex Karev's family
Miranda Bailey's family
Mark Sloan's family
Teddy Altman's family
Callie Torres's family
Arizona Robbins' family
Jackson Avery's family