The Texas Straw Poll was a straw poll for the United States Republican presidential primary elections that was held in 2007 through promotion by What was thought to be the first poll was held on Saturday, September 1, 2007, in Fort Worth, Texas. Voters in the poll were required to have been a delegate or alternate to a previous Texas Republican Party Convention in the past four years or a delegate from Texas to either of the previous two Republican National Conventions. As with all straw polls, the results were not binding.
Duncan Hunter won the poll with 534 votes, 41.1 percent. Fred Thompson and Ron Paul finished second and third, respectively. Thompson took in 266 votes (20.5 percent) and Paul easily took 217 votes (16.7 percent). At the time, Thompson had not formally announced his candidacy.
The following candidates received a much smaller percentage of the delegate votes: Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, 6.4 percent (83 votes); former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, 6 percent (78 votes); former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, 4.7 percent (61 votes); Georgia mechanical engineer Ray McKinney, 2.2 percent (28 votes); Illinois lawyer John H. Cox, 0.77 percent (10 votes); Sen. John McCain of Arizona, 0.62 percent (eight votes); Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, 0.46 percent (six votes); Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, 0.46 percent (six votes); and Alabama psychiatrist Hugh Cort, 0.23 percent (three votes).
Candidates Cort, Cox, Hunter, McKinney and Paul attended the straw poll and addressed the delegation.
The 2011 poll was canceled due to a lack of interest.