Technogypsie (also Techno-Gypsie or Techno Gypsy) is a term for a modern-day nomadic person who balances the arts and sciences in their lifestyle. According to Technogypsie artist Leaf McGowan, one of the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of, the term was created by anthropologist Thomas Baurley in the early 1980s during his ethnographic studies of modern-day nomadic peoples, especially those traveling with a "technology" job and "artistic" skill. Many of his case studies were attendees of the International Rainbow Gatherings, Burning Man festivals or sub-cultural events.
This was a term also used by Leaf McGowan to describe his lifestyle beginning in 1986 to which he claimed he coined the term then, even though the use by Baurley seems to date earlier and other uses of the term are widespread by many other authors. The original author is not certain, as it is an easy term to concoct by adding together the descriptor of "techno" from "technology" to noun or slang "" or "Gypsie". According to the web site, a "Technogypsie" or "Techno Gypsy" is a "wanderer and/or traveler who is inclined towards a nomadic, unconventional way of life yet embraces equally the technological as well as artisan fields and lifestyles merged together with skillsets of a Jack (or Jane) of all trades." A "Techno Tinker, Techno Gypsy, or Techno Nomad".
Many individuals around the world use this title or definition to describe their wanderlust traveling lifestyle, arts, sciences, and trades. Of the many individuals who use these titles, they often have a balance between an artistic lifestyle with one that is technology driven – such as a web designer or programmer who telecommutes and travels also doing art, music, crafts, or pursuing passions that the romantic gypsies of old were known to do such as making baskets, reading tarot cards or palms, playing music, or crafting didgeridoos. Other "Techno-Gypsies" are sound engineers traveling to various music events like Burning Man and creating a nightclub out of tents and art in the middle of nowhere, living bohemian in a gifting economy. Another Technogypsie might travel the world researching folklore, writing books and articles, couchsurfing from country to country while managing websites and domains through his journeys. Many of these modern-day nomads take inspiration from the gypsies, tinkers, travelers, wanderers, and nomads of the past.