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A theatrical technician, (variably known as a tech, techie, technician, theatre tech or theatre technician) is a person who operates technical equipment and systems in the performing arts and entertainment industry. In contrast to performers, this broad category contains all "unseen" theatrical personnel who practice stagecraft and are responsible for the logistic and production-related aspects of a performance including designers, operators, and supervisors. Many professional designers and technicians consider the diminutive "techie" to be offensive.

Theatrical responsibilities taken by technicians include:

A single theatrical technician may regularly do one or more of the above jobs during load in, load outs (strike), rehearsal and performance. Performance technicians are generally divided between those backstage (stagehands, Stage Managers) and those in a control room (lighting and audio technicians). During load in and load out additional crew members may be needed due to the amount of work required to be completed in a short time span. Larger and more complex shows require larger crews and often personnel with specialized advanced skills to perform these job functions.

The position may be volunteer or a paid position. It is not uncommon to receive compensation (such as comp/free tickets to the current or future productions or items used in the show) in other forms than money for pay. This type of compensation allows the person working to receive value for their services while not costing the producer more out-of-pocket expenses. Theatrical technicians are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees in the United States.

Stagecraft and technicians can be classified into departments and jobs as follows. Not all productions will have all departments or jobs filled, and, in many cases, one technician will perform multiple jobs (even if only possessing one title).

