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Team United Women's Roller Derby

Team United Roller Derby
League logo
Metro area Des Moines, Iowa
Country United States
Founded 2013
Teams All Stars
Track type(s) Flat
Venue Skate West, Des Moines
Affiliations WFTDA
Website www.teamunitedrollerderby.com

Team United Roller Derby is a women's flat track roller derby league located in Des Moines, Iowa. It consists of a single team, the All Stars, who play against teams from other leagues, and is a member of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA).

The league was founded at the start of 2013, with most of its founders being former skaters for the Mid Iowa Rollers. It was coached by Mark Muse, also the coach of nearby Your Mom Men's Derby. The All Stars team saw rapid success, beating Minnesota RollerGirls' All Stars in December.

The league affiliated with the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA), completing its Apprentice Program in 2014. The following year, it began taking on WFTDA Division 1 teams, coming close to beating the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls.

By 2015, Team United had absorbed most of the skaters from the Des Moines Derby Dames. Later that year, Team United qualified for the WFTDA Playoffs, and at the Division 1 Playoff in Tucson took seventh place, with a 191-165 victory over Charm City Roller Girls. For the 2016 Madison Division 1 Playoff Team United came in as the fifth seed, and finished in fifth place by defeating Helsinki Roller Derby 206-155.

In 2017, Team United did not meet the required minimum of sanctioned gameplay to be eligible for WFTDA Playoffs, although they were ranked at 26th overall at the time, declared ineligible for Division 1.

