Taspo (タスポ?), formerly known as Tobacco Card (たばこカード tabako kādo?), is a smart card using RFID developed by the Tobacco Institute of Japan (TIOJ), the Nationwide Association of Tobacco Retailers (全国タバコ販売協同組合連合会 Zenkoku Tabako Hanbai Kyōdō Kumiai Rengōkai?), and the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association (日本自動販売機工業会 Nihon Jidōhanbaiki Kōgyōkai?) for introduction in 2008. Following its introduction, the card is necessary in order to purchase cigarettes from vending machines in Japan. The name "Taspo" is a portmanteau for "tobacco passport" (たばこのパスポート tabako no pasupōto?).