Tart cards are cards advertising the services of prostitutes. They are found in many countries, usually in capital cities or red-light districts. The cards originated in the 1960s in places such as Soho, London, as handwritten postcards outside prostitutes' flats or in the windows of newsagents or shops. As direct references to prostitution would generally be unacceptable, the cards were carefully worded and often contained euphemistic references to sex, with terms such as large chest for sale. By the late 1980s they had become black-and-white photocopied cards containing printed text and telephone numbers. In larger cities, cards began to be placed in phone boxes. In later years they appeared in colour and included photographs and mobile telephone numbers or websites. Over time they have become regarded as items of 'accidental art' and developed a cult following. They have influenced the work of mainstream artists, inspiring collections, research, exhibitions and books.