The Talloires Network is an international association of institutions committed to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. University civic engagement and social responsibility means: educating future leaders for change; mobilizing university professors and students to address pressing societal issues, to combat poverty, and to improve public health; and adopting socially and environmentally responsible institutional policies and practices.
In September 2005, 29 higher education leaders from 23 countries gathered at the Tufts University European Center in Talloires, France, for the first international gathering of heads of higher education institutions devoted to strengthening their civic roles and social responsibilities. They crafted the Talloires Declaration on the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education, a consensus vision for the future of this work. The Talloires Declaration states: "Our institutions recognize that we do not exist in isolation from society, nor from the communities in which we are located. Instead, we carry a unique obligation to listen, understand, and contribute to social transformation and development." They formed the Talloires Network to promote action around the principles of the proclamation. As of May 2015, 350 colleges and universities in 75 countries have signed the Declaration and are members of the Talloires Network.
The Talloires Network secretariat is based at Tufts University and directed by Rob Hollister. The Talloires Network hosts conferences, produces publications on university civic engagement, provides financial and technical support to regional university networks, and awards the annual MacJannet Prize for university student civic engagement initiatives. Current and recent financial supporters include: The MasterCard Foundation, Santander Universities, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Walmart Foundation, Pearson Foundation, MacJannet Foundation, Ishiyama Foundation, and Tufts University.
The MacJannet Prize was established by the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation to recognize exceptional student community engagement initiatives at Talloires Network member universities and contributes financially to their ongoing public service efforts.