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Tade Ogidan

Tade Ogidan
Born Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Nationality Nigerian
Citizenship Nigerian
  • screenwriter
  • director
  • producer
  • Dramatist
Notable work Family on Fire
Dangerous Twins

Akintade Ogidan, aka Tade Ogidan (born July, 1960), is a Nigerian Film and Television Screenwriter, Producer and Director.

Early Life: Born in Lagos, Nigeria, to middle class parents Akinola and Rachael Ogidan, he grew up in Surulere, a suburb of Lagos State in Nigeria.

Education: He had his elementary school education in the mid ‘60s into the ‘70s at Government Demonstration School and Surulere Baptist School, both in Surulere, Lagos. Between 1972 and 1974, he attended secondary school at Ekiti Parapo College, Ido-Ekiti, and graduated at Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School, Ikeja, Lagos, in 1978. From 1979, Ogidan attended Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, NM, USA. He completed a short stint at the State University of New York, in Buffalo, NY, USA.

Career In TV: From 1982 to 1983, Tade Ogidan completed the government-mandated National Youth Service Corp program at the Nigerian Television Authority, NTA, in Lagos, after which he became a full-time Producer/Director with NTA Channel 10, and a Continuity Announcer with NTA 2 - Channel 5, both in Lagos, Nigeria. Ogidan spent 8 years with the Nigerian Television Authority, (NTA 10, NTA 2 - Channel 5 and NTA National Network Service and projects).

At NTA, he produced/directed several episodes of the PLAY OF THE WEEK drama series, TELE THEATRE drama series, LEGAL ANGLE series, THE NEW VILLAGE HEADMASTER drama series and a handful of DRAMA specials on NTA National Network. He gained renown as the producer/director of hit episodes such as Blinking Hope, The Boys Next Door, and To Save a Falling Angel. One of the drama projects worked on then, THE REIGN OF ABIKU, written by Sola Osofisan, won several awards at the Nigerian Festival of Television Programmes, NIFETEP 1986.

He also worked on the magazine show, SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE, hosted by Patrick Ityohegh, and other projects that Peter Igho and Chris Ebie were Executive Producers on.

Career In Movies: Tade Ogidan left the NTA for private productions in 1990 and set up OGD PICTURES, LTD. OGD is coined from his last name, OGIDAN. He has since written, produced and directed hit movie projects like Hostages, Owo Blow, Diamond Ring, Out Of Bounds, Raging Storm, 7 – 12, Playing Games, Saving Alero, Dangerous Twins, Madam Dearest, Ayo Mi Da and Family On Fire, most of which are multiple award-winners in and outside Nigeria.

Other Television Projects: Tade Ogidan and the OGD PICTURES team have worked on other projects for broadcast on television, such as BEHIND THE SIEGE (a series done in collaboration with FHI/USAID), CRIME FIGHTERS (with BI COMMUNICATIONS), the TEJU BABYFACE SHOW, THE INTERN (Entrepreneurial Reality TV show, Produced by Ofem Ofem), and THE NEXT TITAN (an Entrepreneurial Reality TV show with Mide Akinlaja, FICOMMS LTD.)

