Edward Adolf Sonnenschein (20 November 1851 – 2 September 1929, Bath) was an English classical scholar and writer on Latin grammar and verse.
Sonnenschein was educated at University College School and then in 1868 at University College London.
He was appointed Oxford professor of Greek and Latin at Mason College (afterwards the University of Birmingham) in 1883, staying there until 1918. He was a Plautine scholar, publishing editions of Captivi (1879), Mostellaria (1884), and Rudens (1891). He took up the reform of grammar teaching, and published the "Parallel Grammar" series. With John Percival Postgate, he founded the Classical Association in 1903.
Much of his grammatical research was summed up in The Unity of the Latin Subjunctive (1910) and The Soul of Grammar (1927). He insisted upon the humanities taking their proper place in the modern university, and took up the question of war-guilt during the European war; he was a very exact scholar.
Sonnenschein was born in London in 1851, the eldest son of a teacher, Adolphus (Adolf) Sonnenschein from Moravia (now part of the Czech Republic) and Sarah Robinson Stallybrass.
Edward Adolf Sonnenschein married Edith Annesley Bolton (1854–1943) and they had three children: Edward Jamie, who later took the surname Somerset; Christopher Edward, who was killed in a mountaineering accident in Switzerland on 22 February 1914; and Edward Oliver, who survived the sinking of HMS Pathfinder in 1914, and later took his grandmother's surname Stallybrass. (Because of the hostility to Germans during the First World War, two of his sons changed their surnames to English names.)
William Swan Sonnenschein (1855-1934), Adolfus Sonnenschein's third son and Edward's younger brother, founded the family publishing firm that was to become known as Swan Sonnenschein.
As a young man William was apprenticed to the firm of Williams and Norgate, where he gained experience of second hand bookselling before founding his own company, W. Swan Sonnenschein & Allen, with the first of several partners, J. Archibald Allen, in 1878. This partnership was dissolved in 1882 when William married and the firm's name changed to W Swan Sonnenschein & Co. The firm published general literature and periodicals but specialized in sociology and politics. Sonnenschein was involved with the Ethical Society and published their literature.