The Sudan Open Archive offers free digital access to knowledge about Sudan. It is an expanding, full‐text database of historical and contemporary documents, with a linked analytical guide to internet resources. It is being developed with institutional partners in the north and south of the country.
The first phase of development of the Archive has involved the digitisation of several hundred technical reports on aid and development (from the start of Operation Lifeline Sudan in 1989 up to the present) and a library of historical and contemporary literature on environmental issues. Reports on local peace processes are currently being added. These will be followed by ethnographic and historical literature, documents in Arabic, and grammars and dictionaries of Sudanese languages.
The Sudan Open Archive is an expanding collection of documents covering all regions of Sudan. It has been developed by the Rift Valley Institute with support from UNICEF[1], UNEP[2] and the Southern Sudan Centre for Census, Statistics and Evaluation. The Archive uses open-source Greenstone[3] software, customized by DL Consulting[4]. It can be accessed on computers running Windows, Unix or Mac OS/X. It is available online and also as a freestanding disk-based application on CD and DVD. The Archive is part of a regional knowledge network guided by an international advisory board under development by the Rift Valley Institute[5], with local and international partners encompassing area specialists and technical experts.