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Student Association for Voter Empowerment

Student Association for Voter Empowerment
Established 2007
Location Washington, DC
Website www.savevoting.org

The Student Association for Voter Empowerment (SAVE) is an association of students with the stated aim of "work[ing] to bring young Americans into the political process by breaking down barriers to electoral participation and encouraging youth-led policy solutions."

The Student Voter Act amends the NVRA to designate colleges and universities as “voter registration agencies.” The legislation would require all colleges and universities that receive federal funds to offer voter registration to students during “enrollment for a course of study.”

80 Million Strong (for Young American Jobs) is a coalition built by and for young people, aiming to unite young Americans to own and direct their economic reality. The summit, taking place July 14–15, 2009 in Washington, D.C., will look at the problems that young people face in order to find constructive, long-term solutions. Stakeholders will convene, proposing legislation that creates new jobs for the new economy.

In March 2011, SAVE combined with Declare Yourself to become Our Time, a 501(c)(3) membership organization pushing for greater representation of all Americans under 30.

