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In geometry and crystallography, a stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that fills space isohedrally, meaning that the symmetries of the tiling take any copy of the stereohedron to any other copy.

Two-dimensional analogues to the stereohedra are called planigons. Higher dimensional polytopes can also be stereohedra, while they would more accurately be called stereotopes.

A subset of stereohedra are called plesiohedrons, defined as the Voronoi cells of a symmetric Delone set. Parallelohedrons are plesiohedra which are is space-filling by translation only, including the cube (parallelepiped), hexagonal prism, rhombic dodecahedron, elongated dodecahedron, and truncated octahedron. Other convex polyhedra that are stereohedra but not parallelohedra nor plesiohedra include the gyrobifastigium. On the other hand, the Schmitt–Conway–Danzer tile, a convex polyhedron that tiles space, is not a stereohedron because all of its tilings are aperiodic.

The dual honeycombs of the convex uniform honeycomb are made of stereohedra. For example the tetragonal disphenoid honeycomb is made of tetragonal disphenoids.

