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Statically determinate

In statics, a structure is statically indeterminate (or hyperstatic) when the static equilibrium equations are insufficient for determining the internal forces and reactions on that structure.

Based on Newton's laws of motion, the equilibrium equations available for a two-dimensional body are

In the beam construction on the right, the four unknown reactions are VA, VB, VC and HA. The equilibrium equations are:

Σ V = 0:

Σ H = 0:

Σ MA = 0:

Since there are four unknown forces (or variables) (VA, VB, VC and HA) but only three equilibrium equations, this system of simultaneous equations does not have a unique solution. The structure is therefore classified as statically indeterminate. Considerations in the material properties and compatibility in deformations are taken to solve statically indeterminate systems or structures.

If the support at B is removed, the reaction VB cannot occur, and the system becomes statically determinate (or isostatic). Note that the system is completely constrained here. The system becomes an exact constraint kinematic coupling. The solution to the problem is

If, in addition, the support at A is changed to a roller support, the number of reactions are reduced to three (without HA), but the beam can now be moved horizontally; the system becomes unstable or partially constrained—a mechanism rather than a structure. In order to distinguish between this and the situation when a system under equilibrium is perturbed and becomes unstable, it is preferable to use the phrase partially constrained here. In this case, the 2 unknowns VA and VC can be determined by resolving the vertical force equation and the moment equation simultaneously. The solution yields the same results as previously obtained. However, it is not possible to satisfy the horizontal force equation unless .

