State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by a state against foreign targets or against its own people.
There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the proper definition of the word "terrorism". Many scholars believe that the actions of governments can be labelled "terrorism". For example, using the term 'terrorism' to mean violent action used with the predominant intention of causing terror, Paul James and Jonathan Friedman distinguish between state terrorism against non-combatants and state terrorism against combatants, including 'Shock and Awe' tactics:
"Shock and Awe" as a subcategory of "rapid dominance" is the name given to massive intervention designed to strike terror into the minds of the enemy. It is a form of state-terrorism. The concept was however developed long before the Second Gulf War by Harlan Ullman as chair of a forum of retired military personnel.
However, others, including governments, international organisations, private institutions and scholars, believe that the term is only applicable to the actions of violent non-state actors. Historically, the term terrorism was used to refer to actions taken by governments against their own citizens whereas now it is more often perceived as targeting of non-combatants as part of a strategy directed against governments.
Over the course of time, and due diligence on the part of the targeted subject, those non-state actors attempting to commit terrorism or use tactics to manipulate interested parties of the state into believing that they are indeed parties within the state become transparent to the party that seeks interest of the state. The unfortunate part is that by that time the terrorists have already set up devastating foreseeable actions against that person. There are instances where terrorists have gained familiarity of the state's language and for whatever their reason, usually personal financial gain or anger over non-entry to the state, are exploiting others in search of the same. The outcome of encountering such terrorists predicts death or imprisonment of victims due to the terrorists' obvious perfection of their exploitation tactics. By the time the subject realizes that they are not part of the actual state, it is too late. The terrorists have already set the outcome of the subject into motion and ran off with the financial gains of their manipulation.