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State machine replication

In computer science, state machine replication or state machine approach is a general method for implementing a fault-tolerant service by replicating servers and coordinating client interactions with server replicas. The approach also provides a framework for understanding and designing replication management protocols.

Distributed software is often structured in terms of clients and services. Each service comprises one or more servers and exports operations that clients invoke by making requests. Although using a single, centralized, server is the simplest way to implement a service, the resulting service can only be as fault tolerant as the processor executing that server. If this level of fault tolerance is unacceptable, then multiple servers that fail independently must be used. Usually, replicas of a single server are executed on separate processors of a distributed system, and protocols are used to coordinate client interactions with these replicas. The physical and electrical isolation of processors in a distributed system ensures that server failures are independent, as required.

For the subsequent discussion a State Machine will be defined as the following tuple of values (See also Mealy machine and Moore Machine):

A State Machine begins at the State labeled Start. Each Input received is passed through the transition and output function to produce a new State and an Output. The State is held stable until a new Input is received, while the Output is communicated to the appropriate receiver.

This discussion requires a State Machine to be deterministic: multiple copies of the same State Machine begin in the Start state, and receiving the same Inputs in the same order will arrive at the same State having generated the same Outputs.

State Machines can implement any algorithm when driven by an appropriate Input stream, including Turing-complete algorithms (see Turing machine). Typically, systems based on State Machine Replication voluntarily restrict their implementations to use finite-state machines to simplify error recovery.

Determinism is an ideal characteristic for providing fault-tolerance. Intuitively, if multiple copies of a system exist, a fault in one would be noticeable as a difference in the State or Output from the others.

A little deduction shows the minimum number of copies needed for fault-tolerance is three; one which has a fault, and two others to whom we compare State and Output. Two copies is not enough; there is no way to tell which copy is the faulty one.

