Star Wars: Republic is an American comic book series set in the fictional Star Wars universe. The series was published by Dark Horse Comics from 1998 to February 2006. The series was originally titled simply Star Wars, but acquired its Republic title at issue 46. The entire series comprises 83 issues. The Star Wars: Republic series is one of a number of comic book series set in the Star Wars expanded universe.
The events in Star Wars: Republic are set in roughly the same fictional timeframe as the Star Wars film prequel trilogy. Character development builds on the films, including appearances by Mace Windu, whose image is fashioned after actor Samuel L. Jackson. However, the comic also prominently features characters such as Quinlan Vos and Vilmarh Grahrk that either do not appear or make only brief appearances in the films. After issue 83 the title of the series changes to Star Wars: Dark Times with a new issue #1, but with Star Wars: Republic numbering present on the inside cover.
Star Wars 1-6 (December 1998-May 1999). Written by Jan Strnad. Art by Anthony Winn.
Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Jedi Knight of formidable strength and influence. On his homeworld of Cerea, most of the planet's citizens are happy to continue their low-tech lives of simplicity, isolated from the Republic, but a growing voice calls for the advanced technologies brought by offworlders. When Ki becomes a strong voice of opposition for such development, he is falsely charged with murder and is swiftly drawn into a web of conspiracy and intrigue that could rock the galaxy to its foundations—a web that may have the vile crime lord Jabba the Hutt and the powerful Trade Federation at its center.
Star Wars 7-12 (June–November 1999). Written by Timothy Truman. Art by Tom Raney, Rod Pereira, Rick Leonardi, and Al Rio.
Ki-Adi-Mundi's first assignment after joining the Jedi Council will take him back to the fearsome desert wastelands of Tatooine. The Jedi Council has tracked a long wayward and powerful Jedi, Sharad Hett of the Sand People, to the backwater world, and it's up to Ki to find him and convince him to return. Only two things stand in his way: the vicious krayt dragon of Tatooine and the Jedi-slaying bounty hunter Aurra Sing! Ki has little choice but to ask for help from the slimiest crime lord of them all, Jabba the Hutt—and Jabba's aid always comes with a price!