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Star Trek: Typhon Pact

Star Trek: Typhon Pact
Author David Alan Mack, Michael A. Martin, David R. George III, Dayton Ward, Christopher L. Bennett, Una McCormack
Country United States
Language English
Genre Science fiction
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Published October 2010 to September 2012
Media type Novel
No. of books 8
Preceded by Star Trek: Destiny
Followed by Star Trek: The Fall

Star Trek: Typhon Pact is a series of eight novels set in the universe of the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. It features a series of crossovers between several different series of novels, including The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Titan. The Typhon Pact itself has been compared to the Warsaw Pact as a Cold War situation begins in the Star Trek Universe, and one of the books in the series has been described as an allegory for the Arab Spring.

The Typhon Pact Series follows the events of the Star Trek: Destiny trilogy by David Alan Mack, along with the stand-alone novel A Singular Destiny by Keith R.A. DeCandido and features crossovers between several series of Star Trek novels. The plot describes the formation of the "Typhon Pact" - an alliance of several alien civilizations against the Federation following the defeat of the Borg in 2381. These races include the Romulans, the Breen, the Tholians, the Gorn, the Tzenkethi and the Kinshaya. In response to these developments, the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Cardassian Union and the Ferengi Alliance form a new collective security organization, similar to NATO and later referred to as the Khitomer Accords Alliance. With the two power blocs now opposed to one another, a cold war descends upon the galaxy as events and incidents described in the novels illustrate the actions taken on both sides of the conflict. Characters from the Star Trek Universe are seen conducting secret actions ranging from intelligence gathering, to covert operations and sabotage.

