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Flag of Germany.svg
(Heer / Luftwaffe)
HD H 22 Stabsunteroffizier Pz.svg LD B 22 Stabsunteroffizier.svg
Rank insignia German NCO rank
Introduction 1955
Rank group Non-commissioned officers
Army / Air Force Stabsunteroffizier
Navy Obermaat
US Flag of the United States.svg
UK Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
  • Army: no equivalent
  • Air Force: Sergeant

Stabsunteroffizier is a military rank of the German Bundeswehr. It was preceded by the rank Unterfeldwebel that was used between 1935 and 1945 in the armed forces of Nazi Germany, the Wehrmacht, and in the East German National People's Army until 1990. In the Austrian Armed Forces Stabsunteroffizier is the collective name to all higher Non-commissioned officers.

Stabsunteroffizier (short StUffz or SU) is a military rank of the Deutsche Bundeswehr to persons in uniform of the Heer and Luftwaffe. Legal basis is the Presidential order of the Federal president (de: Bundespräsident) on rank insignia and uniforms of soldiers

Stabsunteroffizier is the highest NCO-grade oft rank group Unteroffizier ohne Portepee.

According to the salary class (A 6-7) it is equivalent to the Obermaat of Deutsche Marine. It is also grouped as OR-5 in NATO, equivalent to Sergeant, Staff Sergeant in the US Armed forces.

In army context NCOs of this rank were formally addressed as Herr/ Frau Stabsunteroffizier also informally / short StUffz.

The sequence of ranks (top-down approach) in that particular group is as follows:
Unteroffizier ohne Portepee

The abbreviation "OR" stands for "Other Ranks / fr: sous-officiers et militaires du rang / ru:другие ранги, кроме офицероф"!

Stabsunteroffizier(e), also Stabsunteroffizier corps (en: Staff non-commissioned officer), is the collective name to all senior NCO-ranks in the modern day´s Austrian Bundesheer. It comprises the ranks of the assignment group M ZUO 1 (longer-serving NCO 1; de: Unteroffiziere auf Zeit 1) with the ranks Stabswachtmeister, Oberstabswachtmeister, and Offiziersstellvertreter. The assignment group M BUO 1 (professional NCOs 1; de: Berufsunteroffiziere 1) comprises additionally the highest NCO-rank Vizeleutnant.

