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St. John's Cathedral (Izmir)

St. John's Cathedral in Izmir is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Izmir. The cathedral is dedicated to John the Evangelist, who in the Book of Revelation sent greetings and instructions to the Seven churches of Asia, including Smyrna (Izmir).

The cornerstone of the cathedral was laid in 1862. In 1863 the Ottoman Sultan, Abdülaziz, donated 11,000 gold Turkish Lira for the construction and Christians from Lyon in France also contributed. The link with Lyon was due to missionaries from Smyrna introducing Christianity to Lyons in the second century.

The building was finished in 1874, and dedicated on May 25, 1874, by Archbishop Vincent Spaccapietra, Apostolic Delegate to Asia Minor. Prior to this time, a church which is now the parish church of Sancta Maria served as the pro-Cathedral for the diocese.

In 1965 the then Archbishop of Smyrna, Joseph Emmanuel Descuffi, granted permission to NATO Military personnel, both Protestant and Catholic, and their dependents stationed in Izmir to use the cathedral for religious services.

The beautiful painting over the high altar of the cathedral depicts St. John, with the eagle as his liturgical symbol. He is pictured with pen and scroll writing his Gospel. The painting is autographed by its artist, A. Von Kramer. The other pictures in the sanctuary area are (on right) St. Augustine, St. Andrew, and St. Athanasius; (on left St. Polycarp, 2nd-century Bishop of Smyrna and martyr for Christ) and St. John Chrysostom. One panel is blank because the original painting was destroyed by fire early in this century.

Additional paintings in the cathedral are as follows: to the right of the main entrance - St. Vincent de Paul giving Holy Communion to children. Vincent, a 17th-century French priest, founded an order for men (the Vincentians or Lazarists) and one for women, the Sisters of Charity. For centuries Vincentian priests staffed local churches in the archdiocese, and until this century taught in the Lysee (High School) across the street from the Efes Hotel. Sisters of Charity still staff the French Hospital in Izmir.

