Spiritual formation is an intentional Christian practice much like that of Eastern Mysticism, which claims as its goal the development of religious maturity that leads to Christian devoutness which has it roots in the ancient practices found in those of Catholic religious orders, Ascetics and others. One engages in spiritual formation through:
Many authors have attempted to define spiritual formation. Christian religious writers and institutions have differing definitions due to their various conceptions of this practice. Some authors suggest that it is discovery of the so-called "leadings of the heart," renewal of the mind (sanctification), walking in the spirit, intersection between spirituality and vocation, or a type of character formation. The single thread of commonality between the different definitions is engagement in religious activities by a so-called "spiritual traveler."
In Care of Mind, Care of Spirit, psychiatrist Gerald G. May has written, “Spiritual formation is a rather general term referring to all attempts, means, instruction, and disciplines intended towards deepening of faith and furtherance of spiritual growth. It includes educational endeavors as well as the more intimate and in-depth process of spiritual direction.”
This practice can be viewed, from the outside, as a movement within Evangelical Christianity away from doctrinal exclusivity, and towards a more inclusive mystical methodology.
Philosopher Dallas Willard wrote that spiritual formation “is a process that happens to everyone…. Terrorists as well as saints are the outcome of spiritual formation. Their spirits or hearts have been formed.” A study of various world religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and others would enable one to understand specifically how each religion views spiritual formation or spiritual growth within its unique belief system.
In Christian Spiritual Formation, the focus is on Jesus. It is a lifelong process, as a believer desires to become a disciple of Jesus and become more like him. This would be possible because of the so-called "divine grace" of the Gospel and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Dallas Willard wrote that “spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.”