In polymer physics, spherulites (from Greek sphaira = ball and lithos = stone) are spherical semicrystalline regions inside non-branched linear polymers. Their formation is associated with crystallization of polymers from the melt and is controlled by several parameters such as the number of nucleation sites, structure of the polymer molecules, cooling rate, etc. Depending on those parameters, spherulite diameter may vary in a wide range from a few micrometers to millimeters. Spherulites are composed of highly ordered lamellae, which result in higher density, hardness, but also brittleness of the spherulites as compared to disordered polymer. The lamellae are connected by amorphous regions which provide certain elasticity and impact resistance. Alignment of the polymer molecules within the lamellae results in birefringence producing a variety of colored patterns, including Maltese cross, when spherulites are viewed between crossed polarizers in an optical microscope.
If a molten linear polymer (such as polyethylene) is cooled down rapidly, then the orientation of its molecules, which are randomly aligned, curved and entangled remain frozen and the solid has disordered structure. However, upon slow cooling, some polymer chains take on a certain orderly configuration: they align themselves in plates called crystalline lamellae.
Growth from the melt would follow the temperature gradient (see figure). For example, if the gradient is directed normal to the direction of molecular alignment then the lamella growth sideward into a planar crystallite. However, in absence of thermal gradient, growth occurs radially, in all directions resulting in spherical aggregates, that is spherulites. The largest surfaces of the lamellae are terminated by molecular bends and kinks, and growth in this direction results in disordered regions. Therefore, spherulites have semicrystalline structure where highly ordered lamellae plates are interrupted by amorphous regions.
The size of spherulites varies in a wide range, from micrometers up to 1 centimeter and is controlled by the nucleation. Strong supercooling or intentional addition of crystallization seeds results in relatively large number of nucleation sites; then spherulites are numerous and small and interact with each other upon growth. In case of fewer nucleation sites and slow cooling, a few larger spherulites are created.