Spelling-Goldberg Productions was a television production company established in 1972 by Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg. They produced shows like Starsky & Hutch, T. J. Hooker, S.W.A.T., Charlie's Angels, Fantasy Island and Hart to Hart. Spelling's other company, Spelling Television (then Aaron Spelling Productions), co-existed at the same time period and produced other well-known shows. A majority of the series produced by Spelling-Goldberg originally aired on ABC.
Spelling and Goldberg decided to part ways, and on June 27, 1977, the duo sold four of its series to Columbia Pictures Television including S.W.A.T., Starsky & Hutch, Charlie's Angels, and Family. In May 1982, the company was sold to Columbia Pictures.Sony Pictures Television currently owns the Spelling-Goldberg TV library (including the TV shows which were co-produced by Columbia Pictures Television).
In 2015, many of these series are now seen on Cozi TV.