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Speed limits in Canada

Canadian speed limits have been posted in kilometres per hour (km/h) since 1977. Before then, when Canada used Imperial units, speed limits were in miles per hour (mph).

Statutory speed limits are default speed limits set by a statute in each province or territory. They apply on roads which do not have posted speed limits. Posted speed limits may differ from the statutory speed limit as indicated by speed limit signs.

In most provinces and territories, statutory speed limits are 50 km/h in urban areas, 80 km/h in rural areas. There is not a statutory speed limit for grade-separated expressways, however the typical speed limit in most provinces is 100 km/h. Statutory speed limits for school zones tend to be 30 or 40 km/h in urban areas and 50 km/h in rural areas.

Where a dash (–) is indicated, there is no statutory speed limit: speed limits must always be posted. Where N/A is indicated, there is no such roadway in the province or territory.

In Ontario, speeding fines double in areas identified as "Community Safety Zones".

In most Canadian provinces, as in most other locales, speed violation fines are double (or more) in construction zones, although in Ontario and Alberta, this only applies if workers are present in the construction zone.

In Ontario, as of September 2007, drivers caught speeding 50 km/h over the posted speed limit may have the vehicle that they are driving impounded immediately for 7 days and their license suspended for 7 days and have to appear before the court. For a first conviction, they face an additional $2,000-$10,000 fine and 6 demerit points; they may also face up to 6 months in jail and licence suspension of up to two years. For a second conviction within 10 years of the first conviction, their license may be suspended for up to 10 years.

In Ontario and Québec, trucks must be electronically limited to 105 km/h.

Radar detectors in Canada are legal only in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. They are illegal to use in the other provinces and all three territories. Regardless of whether they are used or not, police and law enforcement officers may confiscate radar detectors, operational or not, and impose substantial fines in provinces where radar detectors are illegal. Quebec penalizes $500 for use of a radar detector, along with confiscation of the device.

A speed limit sign reads "MAXIMUM XX", such as "MAXIMUM 80" for 80 km/h. A minimum speed sign reads "XX MINIMUM", such as "60 MINIMUM" for 60 km/h.

Speed limit sign

Minimum speed limit sign

Speed limit sign in Ontario

Speed limit sign in British Columbia and Yukon

