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Spanish Episcopal Conference

The Spanish Episcopal Conference (SEC) is an administrative institution and permanent composed of all the bishops of the dioceses of Spain, in communion with the Roman Pontiff and under his authority, for the joint exercise certain pastoral functions of the episcopate on the faithful of their territory, under common law and statutes, in order to promote the life of the Church, to strengthen its mission of evangelization and respond more effectively to the greater good that the Church should seek to men.

The documents that outline the life and work of the 113 Episcopal Conferences currently in the world, are:Lumen gentium (23), Christus Dominus (37-38), Ecclesiae Imago (211), Sanctae Ecclesiae (41), Apostolos Suos and the Code of Canon Law (cc.447-459).

The Spanish Episcopal Conference was constituted by rescript of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation, protocol No. 1.047/64, of 03.10.1966. Public legal personality ecclesiastical and civil 2 under the Agreement on Legal Affairs of 03.01.1979 between the Holy See and the Spanish State.

His first Statute was adopted by the Constituent Assembly in the year 1966 and ratified the same year by Pope Paul VI "ad quinquenium" (five years). He received the ultimate recognition, on February 5, 1977, by decree of the Congregation for Bishops. Subsequently, the LI Plenary Assembly approved in November 1989 amending some articles, confirmed by the Congregation for Bishops, by decree of February 5 of 1991. The last renovation was approved by the Plenary Assembly XCII Spanish Episcopal Conference (24 - November 28, 2008) and confirmed by Decree of the Congregation for Bishops on 19 December of that year. Under Article 2 of the Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), are full members of the Archbishops and Bishops diocesan Archbishop military, the Archbishops and Bishops Coadjutor and Auxiliary, the apostolic administrators and diocesan administrator in addition to the Archbishops and Bishops emeriti members and special office at the national level, entrusted by the Holy See or the Episcopal Conference. All the Spanish Bishops pastoral office have voice and vote in the Plenary Assembly, the Bishops Emeritus (retired), without pastoral charge, only a consultative vote. 3 charges are elected for three years (three years) and may not exceed three terms, except the Secretary General is elected for five years (five years).

