The Inuyasha manga and anime characters are created by Rumiko Takahashi. Most of the series takes place in a fictional version of Japan's Warring States period with occasional time-travel/flashback elements to modern Tokyo or the Heisei period. The setting and plot incorporate many elements of traditional Japanese folklore and religion; its main characters (both protagonists and antagonists) include a Shintō priestess, a Buddhist monk and several types of yōkai (usually rendered as "demon" in English-language translations of the series).
Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (Japanese); Richard Ian Cox (English)
Inuyasha (犬夜叉) is the main male protagonist of the series. He was born of a dog-demon father and a human mother, his appearance equivalent to that of a fifteen-year-old boy. Born as a half-demon, Inuyasha had a difficult and lonely childhood, as demons and humans despised him for his mixed bloodline. As a half-demon, Inuyasha has dog ears, claws, superhuman strength, and other demonic abilities. He sports a red garment called the Robe of the Fire-Rat and is always barefoot.
In 2001, Inuyasha won the Animage Grand Prix for Best Male Character.
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (Japanese), Moneca Stori (English, original series, movies, games), Kira Tozer (English, The Final Act)
Kagome Higurashi (日暮 かごめ Higurashi Kagome) is the main female protagonist and narrator of the series. A brave, kind and warm-hearted girl who believes in never turning her back on someone in trouble, she develops a close relationship with Inuyasha over the course of the series and begins to fall in love with him during their quest to collect the Shikon shards and defeat Naraku, though she finds herself competing with the revived Kikyo for his affections. Although physically weak, she becomes stronger and skilled in archery as the series progresses, and eventually learns to master her immensely strong spiritual powers.