The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is a professional organization that promotes the "science, practice, and teaching" of industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology. SIOP is also known as Division 14 of the American Psychological Association (APA). The society publishes I/O-related journals, provides its members with resources (e.g., continuing education, salary information), and organizes an annual conference.
SIOP publishes a quarterly newsletter The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (TIP) that contains articles about the association and the profession. It is available open access on the SIOP website ( The website contains a wealth of information, about the profession and society, including a section to assist students who wish to pursue graduate studies in the field.
In its original charter, APA was dedicated to advancing psychology as a science. APA did not originally embrace applied psychology although a number of important figures in industrial psychology, including Hugo Munsterberg and Walter Dill Scott, were early members of the organization. Applied psychologists began to militate for recognition by APA. In 1919, APA created a division to accommodate clinical psychology. APA nonetheless remained steadfast in not enlarging its charter to include the promotion of applied psychology. In response applied psychologists developed other professional organizations.
Applied psychologists founded in 1921 the New York Association of Consulting Psychologists (ACP), an organization that embraced clinical, educational, and industrial psychology. By 1930, many applied psychologists who had become dissatisfied with APA had joined ACP. In 1936, ACP president Gertrude Hildreth asked industrial psychologist members to form a committee devoted to improving the status of industrial psychology and developing standards and a code of ethics to govern practice. In 1937, ACP established the Journal of Consulting Psychology, which in 1968 changed its name to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Beginning in 1936, under the leadership of Douglas Fryer of NYU, applied psychologists organized themselves into several groupings. State and local organizations were formed. By 1937 the American Association of Applied Psychology (AAAP) was formed to provide representation for applied professionals. Within the organization, a section devoted to business and industry was formed along with sections for educational, consulting, and clinical psychology.