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Socialist Environment and Resources Association

The Socialist Environment and Resources Association (SERA), founded in 1973, is an independent environmental association affiliated to the UK Labour Party as a socialist society. More recently it has used the name 'SERA - the Labour Environment Campaign', rather than its full name.

SERA campaigns to promote progressive environmental policies within the Labour Party. The National Organiser since 2017 is Adam Dyster and the co-chairs are Melanie Smallman and Jake Sumner.

SERA has members and local groups across the country, and has good links both within the UK Labour Party and outside the Labour Party with many environmental groups. SERA has contributed to policy development on transport, energy, water, waste and biodiversity.

The SERA National Executive numbers 21 people, elected annually at an AGM held in September. Executive members currently include Alan Whitehead MP, Daniel Zeichner MP, Alex Sobel MP, Polly Billington, Leonie Cooper and Samantha Heath

