Sobor of 1503, also known as the "Sobor of widowed popah" (Russian: собор о вдовых попах) was a sobor of the Russian Orthodox Church, which was held in Moscow in August and September 1503. The task of the sobor was the decision of a number of disciplinary matters in respect of which was issued two rulings. However, the more he remembered as the cathedral, which was a question about the monastery's tenure. However, no conciliar decree to this effect is unknown. The sobor was convened with the initiative of Simon, Metropolitan of Moscow.
The Sobor was attended by Grand Prince Ivan III, his sons Vasily, Dmitry of Uglich, as well as the Reverend Neil Sora and St Joseph of Volokolamsk, the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery Serapion, abbots of monasteries and archimandrite, other spiritual and secular people.
Cathedral in 1503, in contrast to Vladimir's Sobor of 1274 limited the size of representation duties, levied when issuing letters of representation. The Sobor (Council) of 1503 condemned the charging of fees for the ordination of priests as simony, though the practice had been approved by the Moscow Council of 1270 and had been practiced in the Byzantine church for years before that. As a result of the condemnation, Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod was condemned the following year for simony and removed from office. Violate this rule, threatened the overthrow of dignity and consecration, perfect for a bribe, to annul. The decision applied to all degrees of priesthood. Conciliar definition of "resorting to levying About bribes from clergy for ordination" was signed. Subsequently Stoglavy Cathedral restoring representation charging fees, reversed this decision. The Sbobor also confirmed the lower limit for the dedication of thirty years as a priest, deacon – 25 years, Subdeacon – 20.
Another group of questions concerned morality priests. Obvious breach that is not without reason pointed Judaic heretics demanded action. First of all, it concerned widowed priests. It is known that the apostolic rules based directly on the Gospel, the priest can be married only once, "the husband of one wife ". Widowed priests, unafraid to break the church statutes, often entered into a second marriage.