Sleepaway Camp is an American slasher film franchise consisting of five films, one of which was not fully completed. The franchise primarily focuses on transvestite/transsexual serial killer Angela Baker and the murders she commits, largely at summer camps.
The series has developed into two apparent continuities: Robert Hiltzik's, including the original 1983 film and Return to Sleepaway Camp; and the other, which introduced comedic elements into the franchise, overseen by Michael A. Simpson and comprising Sleepaway Camp II and III. Sleepaway Camp IV is the only film not directed and/or written by either. Despite this, Angela is still the focal character of the films. Both Hiltzik and Simpson planned sequels to their own entries (Reunion and Berserk, respectively), but neither were made; a reboot of the series is now planned.
The "Year" column in the table above lists the year of release. Sleepaway Camp II and III were filmed back-to-back in 1988, with the latter released the following year.
Sleepaway Camp IV began filming in 1992 but was not completed; the footage that was shot on the first day, just over half an hour long, was released as an exclusive fourth disc included with some editions of the Region 1 Sleepaway Camp box set. It was announced in late 2010 that the footage was compiled and improved by the makers and official Sleepaway Camp sequels website creator John Klyza and made into a 70-minute film, which was released on March 24, 2012 with online distribution.
Return to Sleepaway Camp was shot in 2003 and initially planned for release in 2006; it was eventually released in 2008 after improvements to the special effects were made.