Sir Bagby was an American daily strip created by brothers Rick Hackney and Bill Hackney, who signed the strip R&B Hackney. It ran in a small number of United States newspapers from March 1959 until 1966. The setting was a medieval world filled with anachronisms and puns. In that, it resembled Jack Kent's King Aroo. The main characters are Sir Bagby, a knight, King Filbert I, II ("King Filbert I was my father. He built the business up so I decided to keep the name."), a wizard named Snerk, a jester named Solly, a playwright named Faro, and his assistant Billingsgate.
The only reprints of the strip have been in Comics Revue.
Strickler, Dave. Syndicated Comic Strips and Artists, 1924-1995: The Complete Index. Cambria, CA: Comics Access, 1995. .