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Sindhi festivals

One of the first civilizations of human history, the Sindhis have a rich and clearly distinct cultural heritage and are very festive. The most important festival for Hindu Sindhis is the birthday of Lord Jhoolelal and Cheti Chand.

1. Cheti Chand
Celebration of the birth of the Water god (Varun Devta) Sai Uderolal, popularly known as Jhoolelal . So much has been said and written about it that it would be superfluous to mention the event again. In Sindh the beginning of the New Year was considered Cheti Chand . Some businessmen opened new account books on Cheti Chand; many however, did that on the eve of Diwali. On the full moon day, people used to go to a river or lake and offer 'Akho' with a pinch of rice mixed with milk and flour. If there was no river or 'Darya', the ritual was performed at a well. Even Sindhi Sikhs go to temples or Gurudwaras, because Guru Nanak's birthday also falls on Pūrnima.

2. Sagra (Sacred thread) Sindhi Bhaibands often lived in foreign countries; therefore, their wives were always worried about the good health of their husbands. For this purpose they performed pooja and fasted on four Mondays of Sawan month, after which they perform pooja, distribute sweet rice and then had the sacred thread tied on the wrist by the priest ( Bandhan ). Here in India, the priests have made a show business which costs nearly 500-800 rupees, a money making gimmick.

3. Mahalakshmi's Sacred Thread (Mahalakshmi-a-jo-Sagro) This sacred thread had 16 strips and 17 days. On the day when the sacred thread was to be untied, it was celebrated as an important day and special savouries like satpura and pakwan of Suji & Maida were made and distributed firstly to the priests and the poor and afterwards the remaining savouries were used by family members.

4. Fasts In Sindhis, generally Mondays & Saturdays, Giyaras or Umaas were observed as fasts ( vrats ). During the fast of Satyanarayan and nine days of Ekaanaas, only one time meal was generally taken.

