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Siddhanta Shikhamani

Siddhantha Shikhamani is a religious scripture of Panchacharyas, Veerashaivas, regarded as Dharmagrantha of Veerashaivism.

Siddhantha Shikhamani was written by sri Shivayogi Shivacharya in around 8th century in Sanskrit language. It contains the preachings of Jagaduru Renukacharya.

It has been translated to Kannada language by 1008 Jagaduru sri Dr. Chandrashekhara Shivacharya Mahaswamiji of Jangamawadi math of Varanasi very recently. It has also been translated to English by Dr.M.Shivakumara Swamy from Bengaluru in 2007 with the blessings of 1008 Jagadguru Sri. Chandrashekara Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, Varanasi.

Veerasaiva philosophy as envisaged in the Siddhantha Shikhamani

The recent work on Siddanta Sikhamani is its Parayana Grantha edited by Dr. S.R Siddalingappa with his grace, of Chandrashekhara Shivacharya Mahaswamiji of Jangamawadi math of Varanasi. This book serves as manual of God-realization within one's own body. Any one with a basic understanding of Kannada can read and experience the Existence of God in four levels of God's existence. Veerashaivism being a technique of being with God all the time by being in union with ones prana, is the core teaching of this book. Being the simplest to understand practice the process of God realization, this book is combined result of pro-people, motherly nature of Jagadguru and Dr. S.R Siddhalingappa, a brillinat aeronautical scientist and a stringent practitioner of the principles of Veershaivism. Also of core use for personality development,even a child can get benefitted with this book.

The sacred book begins with first sloka, with a prayer to Shiva as:

"Trailokya Sampadaalekhya Samullekhana Bhittaye,
Sacchidananda roopaay Shivaay Brahmane Namah.”

The word to word meaning of this sloka can be translated under:

Trailokya = 3 worlds, Sampadaalekhya = the mega picture, Sumullekhana = for writing or painting, Bhittaye = the supporting wall or media, Sacchidaanand roopaay = representation of ‘Sat’, ‘Chit’ & ‘Anand’ (truth, wisdom & bliss), Brahmane = universally present, Shivaay = to lord Shiva, Namah = I bow with respect & reverence.

The actual meaning contained in this Sloka explains that there are 3 worlds (earth, heaven & hell) in this universe, as per vedic scriptures. The objects present in these 3 worlds are like paintings of God. As the canvass is required for painting, so the Lord Shiva has been responsible for creating these 3 worlds (compare them to canvass) and he is universally present through truth, wisdom and bliss to create the objects in universe (analogy for paintings). To such a supreme lord, I bow with respect and reverence.

