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Shoshenq D

High Priest of Ptah in Memphis
Grand pretre Ptah Sheshonq.jpg
Relief representing the High Priest of Ptah Shoshenq.
Predecessor Osorkon A
Successor Merenptah (High Priest of Ptah)
Dynasty 22nd Dynasty
Pharaoh Osorkon II
Father Osorkon II
Mother Karomama
Children Takelot B
Burial Saqqara

Shoshenq was a High Priest of Ptah during the 22nd Dynasty. Shoshenq was the eldest son of Osorkon II and Queen Karomama. He presided over the burial of the twenty-seventh Apis bull in Saqqara. For unknown reasons Shoshenq did not succeed to his father's throne and was buried in Memphis when Shoshenq III was king of Egypt. Shoshenq's tomb was found unplundered in 1942.

Sheshonq is known to have had a son named Takelot B. Through Takelot B he was the grandfather of a man named Pediese, who was a chief of the Ma, and the great-grandfather of a later High Priest of Ptah named Peftjauawybast.

Items belonging to Shoshenq include:

