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Shlomo Elyashiv

Shlomo Elyashiv (Eliashov) (January 5, 1841 [12 Tevet 5602] - March 13, 1926 [27 Adar, 5676]) (Hebrew: שלמה בן חיים חייקל אלישיב‎‎), also known as the Leshem or Ba'al HaLeshem, was a famous kabbalist, who was born in Šiauliai, Lithuania, and later moved to then Palestine .

His father was Rabbi Chayim Chaikl Eliashoff. He was the grandfather of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Eliashiv

Aliyah With the help of Harav Abraham Isaac Kook the Elyashiv family were successfully brought over to the then Palestinine where they settled in Jerusalem. It is said over that the Lesham was so destitute he did not own a coat at which point Harav Kook removed his own thick winter coat and placed it on the Leshem. The Leshem wore this coat for the rest of his life. Passing it on to the late Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv.

The primary work for which Elyashiv is known is Leshem Shevo V’Achlama which was written in four parts and released in the following order:

