Shin Dong-hyuk (also known as Frank Shin) is a fictional character portrayed by Bae Yong-joon in the 2001 South Korean television drama series Hotelier. The character also appeared in a cameo appearance in the Japanese version television series of the same name, which was produced by Asahi TV.
Shin was an attorney and takeover businessman of M&A, and is a Korean American. As a child, he had emigrated from South Korea to the United States.
He was first ordered by Kim Bok-man as an agent to infiltrate as a double agent and buy over the shares of Seoul Hotel. A shareholder of Hankang distributuon, Kim had warned his old friend Choi that he wanted to swallow up Seoul Hotel, which resulted in a heart attack that killed Choi. Shin was subsequently ordered by Kim from Las Vegas to do the necessary to buy over Seoul Hotel, and at the same time he rented a motel room in the very hotel that he wanted to infiltrate. While in America, Shin first met and picked up Jin Hyung who flagged down his Limousine, after being marooned in the desert when she had a tiff with Tae Jun.
After much deliberation, Shin decided to take up Kim's offer and returned to Korea along with his personal assistant Leo, also a Korean American. During his stay in Korea, Shin developed romantic feelings towards Jin-hyung, and eventually forgotten his original motive of swallowing up the hotel's shares. Shortly after Tae Jun's return to Korea, he discovered that Tae Jun (who was also his rival) took care of a girl named Jenny (also known by her Korean name Dong Hee), who turned out to be his long lost sister. Both siblings later met their father, who by then was a despot.